Sunday, June 7, 2009

Shofuku ji temple and downtown

Ena and I went to Shofukuji temple in town today. Its my favorite temple in Fukuoka, with lots of trees, not many people and some really nice buildings.

We parked our bikes next to this kind of dilapidated old house that I thought was kind of photogenic:

The temple itself is about 800 years old and has quite a bit of green space, this is the main building:
There are two golden Buddha statues inside, this is one I took a picture of while nobody was looking (check out the purple hair):
Here are some more pictures of the temple:

We also went downtown and walked around a bit. We climbed up the Across building, which is a huge modern building that houses a symphony hall. Its about 9 or 10 stories high and on the outside it is covered by a huge garden that goes all the way to the top (it is terraced). There is a path and staircases you can follow through to the top:

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