Sunday, April 5, 2009

At the beach

It was a warm and sunny day today, which resulted in two noteworthy things happening: North Korea was able to launch a ballistic missile over Japan and I finally got the chance to take Ena over to Shikanoshima. It is the latter of these earth shattering events which this post will deal with as I don't have any photos of the missile launch to share.

The water was warm enough to go swimming but we just settled for putting our feet in, given that neither of us brought bathing suits:
The sky was quite clear so we had a good view of the Fukuoka skyline and Nokonoshima.

Ena got to do some beachcombing and found some nice shells to add to her collection:

After spending a few hours on our bikes we returned home to dinner and some very cute cakes I got at the local bakery:

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